Hey mga ka 1 Piso Fare friends, still looking for budget friendly airline tickets for your BER Months vacation? If yes, look no further coz there is now an ongoing Cebu Pacific Air Piso Fare Promo!!!
1 Piso Fare tickets on sale for select destinations from CLARK, PAMPANGA!!
Yes, you can book great deals via this Cebu Pacific Air Piso Fare for September and October 2019!!!

BASE FARE of promo tickets are as low as 1 PISO…. with all the fees and taxes, you might get a single trip ticket for as low as 1K pesos.
Here are the 1 PISO FARE destinations that are on sale right now:
Clark to Bacolod, Bohol, Boracay (Caticlan), Cebu, Davao, Iloilo
Clark to Hong Kong, Macau, or Tokyo (Narita)
Best to book online at www.cebupacificair.com before seats run out.
For this particular Cebu Pacific Air Piso Fare promo, we decided to look at a promo ticket for Clark to Narita Japan:

We got a Piso Fare ticket, yey!! And with the web admin fee and fuel surcharge, Cebu Pac has charged us with 686 Pesos…. but expect to pay a higher fee since VAT, Terminal Fee and other taxes are still not included.
Nonetheless, getting a promo ticket to Tokyo Japan at this price point is crazy cheap!!! Can’t wait to apply for a new Japan VISA…. hope you can get a promo ticket too!!
But is you are concerned about your VISA, then why not travel to an equally beautiful destination, but is VISA FREE, SINGAPORE!!!

Visit Singapura via this Cebu Pacific for only 899 Pesos, BASE FARE, Fuel surcharge and admin fee all included already!!!
Told you, you can score great tickets via this latest Cebu Pacific Air Piso Fare promo for 2019!!!
Booking is now ongoing and will end on July 11, 2019. Travel is from September 1 to November 30, 2019!!
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