Here it is again, the Cebu Pacific SNAP SALE. Yes, get low fares for select Cebu Pacific Air destinations for very low prices via this unique airline promo.
Booking for this promo fare is for today only, February 13, 2019. Best if you can book ASAP at for tickets are limited and sold outs may happen in an instant!!!
Travel Period is from March 20 to August 31, 2019.
Lowest BASE FARE is at 99 Pesos. See picture below as proof that that this promo is real.
Cebu Pacific Air Promo Fare Ticket 2019

We picked a random date within the travel Period for a Cebu to Kalibo flight.
Look at all the dates, for all of them still carry promo fare tickets.
Lets see a closer look at one promo fare ticket. You can see at the lower right side of the image that the final price of the ticket is 844 Pesos. But if you could look closer, you can see that the promo BASE FARE is 99 Pesos.

Don’t know how to book? Let our 1Pisofare Cebu Pacific booking guide for promo fares 2019 to 2020 teach you how.
Cebu Pacific Air Promo Fare Destinations
You can get 99 Pesos Base fare tickets for these Destinations
Cebu to CDO and v.v
Cebu to Kalibo and v.v
Cebu to Boracay and v.v
Cebu to Siargao and v.v
Cebu to Calbayog and v.v
Cebu to Clark Pampanga v.v.
Cebu to Dipolog and v.v.
Cebu to Zamboanga and v.v.
“v.v.” notation this means “vice versa” / going to and coming from Cebu airport
Remember, BASE FARES lang po ang given sa rates. Taxes and Fees still not included!!!
FOLLOW US for the next promo update, get alerts via our 1 Piso Fare Facebook community.
Elena Yu says
How to book the promo whether snap sale or 99php? What website online will we book?
1 Piso Fare Admin says
Usually snap sale or 99 pesos at Cebu Pacific is best booked via online. Check our 1Pisofare guide on how to book and buy promo fares at Cebu Pacific website. There’s a video demo and tutorial in the post. Thanks.
ernesto tolewdo says
This is useless publicity about piso fare promo. I cannot even book on this promo, when you open the website the rates are regular flight rates. You are just confusing me and giving me anxiety.
1 Piso Fare Admin says
Thius is not publicity… you need to understand first what the promo is all about…. say for example for this one, This promo is not a PISO FARE sale, but you still insist the this is a Piso Fare promo and is hoping to get a promo ticket with 1 piso base fare.
1 Piso Fare Admin says
Did you read the particulars of the sale? Did you see that the destinations on promo are specific? Did you know that if it’s a promo, slots are always limited? We have proof on the post that the promo rates are real, see that again please. Thanks.