Cebu Pacific Air offers low fares to select destinations for the months of June, July and August 2023. See the list of domestic and international flights included in the promo below.
Low fare starts for as low as 88 Pesos. Taxes and fees are still not included.
Book your promo tickets now or until May 19, 2023. Best to book online at to see dates that still carry promo tickets. Not all dates may carry these tickets because of sold outs and other causes.
Travel period starts on June 1 up to August 31, 2023!!
Most flights will be coming from CLARK, so this favor those who are living in Central and North Luzon.
Several flights will also come to or from Cebu, so book na po yung mga taga Central Visayas!!!

Cebu Pacific Air Domestic Promo Fares 2023
P88 base fare
- Clark to Davao
P188 base fare
- Cagayan De Oro to Iloilo- Travel dates: June 24- August 31, 2023
- Clark to Bacolod
- Clark to Puerto Princesa- Travel dates: June 24- August 31, 2023
P288 base fare
- Clark to Cagayan De Oro, or Iloilo
- Iloilo to Puerto Princesa- Travel dates: June 23- August 31, 2023
P388 base fare
- Manila to Laoag
- Clark to General Santos
P488 base fare
- Cebu to Naga
Cebu Pacific Air International Promo Fares 2023
P499 base fare
- Cebu to Hong Kong
- Clark to Hong Kong
P799 base fare
- Clark to Macau, or Taipei
P1,499 base fare
- Cebu to Taipei
P2,487 all-in fare
- Clark to Singapore
P2,773 all-in fare
- Clark to Seoul (Incheon)
Get your promo tickets now mga ka 1 PISO FARE Family!!!
mely guiquing bagtas says
low fare
Round trip fare from Butuan-Manila, Manila-Puerto Princesa, Puerto Princesa-Manila, Manila-Butuan
notify me HOW MUCH is the promo fare.
Elisa Abellar says
May 31 or June 1 Sana kung my promo from Cebu to manila, salamat
Leilane radaza says
Gensan to manila hm july 30or aug 5. 2023