HK EXPRESS is celebrating their 10th year anniversary and they are offering MANILA to HONG KONG tickets for as low as 70 Pesos BASE FARE. Taxes and other fees are still not included.
If you are not familiar with Hong Kong Express or HK Express, this is a budget airlines based in Hong Kong and is fully owned by CATHAY PACIFIC. So if you want a reputable airline to fly you to Hog Kong, then consider flying via HK EXPRESS!!
Booking us until midnight, OCTOBER 30, 2023.
Travel is from November 10, 2023 up to MARCH 30, 2024!!!

You can book your promo tickets online at
Book your 20kg baggage allowance and get discounts of up to 570 Pesos!!
What are you waiting for? Het your tickets now and spend the holiday season in Hong Kong..
Bring your kids to Disneyland and experience Christmas in the Happiest Place on the Planet.
Bring your barkada with you and go shopping in Mongkok while enjoying HK’s best street food!!
There are so manu things to do and see when in Hong kong, so get your tickets today mga ka 1 PISO FARE!!
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