Do you know that credit card companies give free money by way of cashback or rebate? Yes! So if you have a credit card check out what the current promotions are, your cc company could be offering deals like shop anywhere cashback. Banco de Oro is offering this promo right now for summer. Swipe your BDO credit card in physical store or pay for goods and services, have a chance to get cashback.
Want to meet the spending requirements faster? Book airline tickets during promo fares. You get discounted airfare, and you will also get rebate or cashback for paying using your BDO credit card. That’s being wise!
BDO Shop Anywhere Cashback
These are the credit cards included in the promo:
- BDO Mastercard
- BDO Visa
- BDO UnionPay
- BDO Diners Club
- American Express Cards issued by BDO
Debit cards, cash cards, installment cards not included in the promo.
The current promo of all BDO credit cards covers spending starting May 1 to July 31, 2024. That is 3 months to accumulate at least P30,000, with minimum of P1,000 per transaction to qualify.
If you use your cc for say P125 or P980 – this will not qualify since it is below the P1,000 minimum required per spend.
How much is the possible cashback? As much as P7,500!
Here is the spend requirement and cashback treat from BDO:
A spending of P30,000 up to P100,000 will get you P500 in cashback.
A spending of P100,000.01 up to P250,000 will get you P3,000 cashback.
A spending of P250,000.01 and above will get you P7,500 cashback.
The good thing about shop anywhere promos is that most use of your card is included, unlike other promos which only supermarket, gas, and drugstore spending qualifies.
And for those heavy credit card users, they stand a chance to get the maximum cashback of P7,500. Talk about making your money work for you!
The cashback will be credited to the credit card, so you can use it to pay for current due or for your future purchases.
Enroll now to the BDO Midyear Spend Anywhere Cashback using your unique promo ID sent by BDO either via sms, email, or viber. We are thrilled for you to get those free money! For more info about this deal, head to the BDO website.
Tip: Use credit card in booking promo fares like piso fare. Hit two birds with one stone. You get cheap and affordable airfare and you get to join the shop anywhere promo.