Travel for leisure is now allowed to some destinations such as in Boracay. If the sea is calling you and wants to travel now, you can do so by booking your tickets via this new Air Asia Promo Fare to domestic destinations.
You can Book now and fly now at low BASE FARES. How low?! Is 88 Pesos fares good enough?
Yes, lots of destinations at 88 Pesos now being offered to BIG MEMBERS of Air Asia. SO better register or log in na at to avail these limited seat sale tickets.
Booking is now ongoing and will end on June 6, 2021.
Travel is also now ongoing up to December 15, 2021. Get your tickets now and get the chance to fly at low prices for the months of June, July, August, September, October, November and December.

Air Asia Promo at 88 Peso BASE FARES
Here are the destinations that you can book as a BIG MEMBER for this latest airfare seat sale by Air Asia:
Manila to Bacolod at 88 Pesos
Manila to Bohol at 88 Pesos
Manila to Cagayan de Oro at 88 Pesos
Manila to Boracay at 88 Pesos
Manila to Cebu at 88 Pesos
Manila to Davao at 88 Pesos
Manila to General Santos at 88 Pesos
Manila to Iloilo at 88 Pesos
Manila to Puerto Prinsesa Palawan at 88 Pesos
Also on sale are low fares to:
Manila to Kalibo Aklan at 288 Pesos
Manila to Zamboanga at 318 Pesos
Book now and get to enjoy the outside world once again. Just don’t forget to be safe all the time.
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