AIR ASIA offers 88 pesos base fare promo tickets to all AIR ASIA MEMBERS. This means, this promo is valid only for online booking.
Register or log in to your account at to see which dates and destinations carry promo tickets with 88 Pesos base fare. Taxes and Fees are still not included in the BASE FARE.
ALL DOMSETIC DESTINATIONS VIA MANILA are being offered for this promo. Just be cautious because not all dates might carry these Air Asia promo seats.

Here is the list of domestic destinations that you can book via the Air Asia MANILA Hub:
Manila to Roxas, Zamboanga, Bacolod, Dumaguete, Cebu, Puerto Prinsesa, Iloilo, Davao, Kalibo, Tacloban, Cagayan de Oro, Bohol, Boracay
Plan your next vacation now for you can book now and also fly now. Yes booking is now ongoing and will end on SEPTEMBER 4, 2022.
Travel Period is now ongoing and will end on MARCH 25, 2023.If you have plans for the BER months, specially come Christmas, then better avail this promo and get 88 pesos base fare tickets as early as today!!!
Pasok din to for those looking forward to an early summer vacation next year. Imagine being the first among your peers to go beach hopping in Cebu, Palawan, Boracay and more!!!
Happy Booking and safe travels mga ka 1 PISO FARE Family!!!
Mariel says
This is true? There’s no other charge fee? Thank you!
Elizabeth Borja says
Kindly email me if there is availabe promo for piso flight butuan to manila thank you.
This my email add.